Analytic Services
The Center itself
We provide specialized analytical services for the characterization of materials with the commitment to meet the requirements of our users and continuously improve processes.
We analyze and characterize a wide variety of materials for research projects in the academic sector and for industry.
We also satisfy the requirements of external users, by supporting companies, government institutions, and society in general.
Our analytical services for the characterization of materials meet international quality standards and have very competitive prices. They are carried out in the National Laboratory for Material Characterization (LaNCaM), which offers X-ray diffraction and fluorescence techniques, optical spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and mechanical tests.
Our analytical processes are certified under the ISO 9001: 2015 Standard for Quality Management Systems.
Quality Policy
It is the policy of the Center for Applied Physics and Advanced Technology of the UNAM to provide quality analytical services to internal and external users, as well as specialized research services focused on meeting the technological needs of external users, complying with the requested requirements and with the commitment to continuously improve our processes.
Quality Objectives
Provide quality analytical services, in terms of compliance with the established requirements and delivery times, to researchers and students of CFATA, other UNAM entities, and other institutions in the country, thus supporting research projects and the preparation of theses, as well as industry and society in general, with a focus on achieving user satisfaction.
Promote the development of research, innovation, and technological development projects that give rise to prototypes, products, or information, both for the industry and for users outside our dependency, that meet the requirements and achieve user satisfaction.
Please contact us to provide you with more information, quotes or to answer any further questions.
Sandra Elizabeth Espinoza Macías, Eng.
(+52) 442 238 1152
Ext. 34152